Meet Our Team

Our board is composed of physicians and medical students. Many of our board members began serving on the board when they were medical students. They offer a unique perspective since they first engaged with CPL as sponsored students at our conference and now provide the same opportunities to medical students through their time, talents, and financial support.

Our team is committed to advancing life-affirming medical practice.

Nicole Scheidl

Executive Director

Amanda Achtman

Ethics Education &
Cultural Engagement

Brianne Hartman


Faye Sonier


Our Principles and Values

CPL’s principles are based on the life-affirming Hippocratic Oath. CPL is open to all doctors and students who share the following:

  • Reverence for every human life, regardless of age or infirmity, lies at the root of all medical tradition

  • Recognition that the long and honourable ethical tradition of medical sciences through the ages has been expressed and protected by the oath Hippocrates

  • Conviction that human life begins at fertilization and a recognition that to cause the death of a human being directly, at any stage in life, because of physical or mental disabilities, or for social, economic, ecological or eugenic reasons, is a gross injustice to the person, degrading to humanity, and contradictory to the role of the physician

  • Understanding that there are two patients in every pregnancy. The physician bears the medical responsibility for the lives of both the mother and her developing child

  • Belief that it must be the goal of medical science and its practitioners to preserve and protect human life, to relieve suffering and to promote healing

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