• elder abuse

    By: CPL Office on June 17, 2020

    Monday was World Elder Abuse Day, but Canadians have been witnessing cases of elder abuse ever since COVID-19 kept families away from their senior members. The pandemic has pulled back the curtain on deficiencies in long-term care (LTC) homes. It has also underlined the dire impacts of social isolation and loneliness. The COVID-19 Stress Test

  • hospice palliative care

    By: CPL Office on May 14, 2020

    The “secret weapon hiding in plain sight” To mark National Hospice Palliative Care Week (May 3-9), a cornucopia of articles drew attention to the goals and value of good palliative care. “There is a growing body of evidence that suggests palliative care can lower out of pocket and societal health care costs — and

  • By: Canadian Physicians for Life on May 6, 2020

    A recent article in the Canadian Medical Association Journal suggested offering patients who are suffering from incurable COVID-19 symptoms the option of palliative sedation at the end of life (1). What does palliative sedation involve? Is it ethically appropriate? Firstly, it is vital that palliative care (comfort care) be offered to all patients who

  • By: CPL Office on April 29, 2020

    We’ve heard much about how Canada’s vulnerable sector is suffering under COVID-19 restrictions. The pain of residents of long-term care centres (LTC’s) leaps to mind. But what about people with disabilities? “When the Prime Minister or premiers or others were speaking about COVID-19, they weren’t hearing the concerns of Canadians with disabilities being specifically

  • By: CPL Office on April 21, 2020

    As the coronavirus exposes the horrors of eldercare in Canada, pro-life sentiments are popping up from unlikely sources. In a National Post editorial the author states: “Ensuring adequate care for those whose years rob them of the ability to fully look after themselves should be at the top of any priority list.” Being Dependant The

  • Triage

    By: Nicole Scheidl on April 8, 2020

    Ontario Health is considering implementing a triage protocol during the COVID-19 pandemic to guide decisions on whom gets ICU treatment when the healthcare system is overwhelmed. This document is important to review since the triage protocol will reflect what kind of society we are and will impact what kind of society we will have

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